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A book will always be there for you. Even when you have finished reading it, it can attract you and draw you back in – to notice things you did not see before, to feel things you did not feel before.

About me

Barbara Schobl-Legee

L egee Publishing was established to help authors place their books on Amazon. We advertise our website, where their book is listed. We then give the author information on how they might best advertise their individual books.We will be expanding into Ingram Spark and Barnes and Noble, and we are exploring other book sellers. All this is done to help authors expand the possibilities of finding the right readers for the genres in which they write.

Free E-Book

The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth by Prissy Legee explores survival, faith, and love in a world transformed by catastrophe. Download your free copy now.

Wanna know more?

Interpreting Prophecy

Rev. Barbara M. Schobl-Legee’s Interpreting Prophecy presents an insightful approach to prophecy, focusing on how to decode the symbolic language of the Bible and other prophetic traditions. The book walks readers through foundational topics, from understanding prophecy’s role in history...

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Murder in Elam

In the city of Elam, a mysterious killer strikes fear into the hearts of citizens, leaving a trail of brutal murders that escalate in horror. Captain Alaric and his team delve into the dark alleys of Elam, uncovering cryptic symbols,...

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War in Israel and Revelation

When Hamas attacked Israel, it occurred to the author that World War III had begun. Why? What does that mean in relationship to the Book of Revelation? Get your questions answered here.

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Jason and Faith

The preacher's daughter and the high school quarterback. She "hates" him! He sees her as another conquest. Can he win her over? What happens in his life to cause her to feel sympathetic toward him? Can she win him over?...

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Revelation: Where Are We?

Revelation: Where Are We? is the result of Schobl-Legee's husband asking, "But where are we?" while she was writing the second edition of "Revelation: What John Knew." If Revelation is, truly, a timeline from the beginning of time to the...

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Revelation: What John Knew

About the Book: From the time of John being exiled to the Isle of Patmos, he saw visions of heaven. He saw the Throne Room of God. He saw angels, cherubim, souls, nations (peoples), living beasts before the Throne. He...

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Murder in a Small Florida Town

This is a fictionalized account of an actual murder that took place in central Florida. The author went to school with the victim, worked briefly with her husband, and the author’s oldest son went to school, and played with her...

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God of Second Chances

In God of Second Chances, Prissy Legee tells a moving story of Leah and Adrian—two people who reconnect after years of separation, each carrying the weight of old regrets and unspoken words. Leah returns to Seattle, where memories of Adrian,...

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Prophecy About Biden – Bye Bye, Biden

There is a prophecy in 2 Esdras, which is becoming better known and which predicts the forming of America and the end of its run of Presidents. The Presidents of Prophecy start with Herbert Hoover and run through the destruction...

Wanna know more?

Interpreting Prophecy

Rev. Barbara M. Schobl-Legee’s Interpreting Prophecy presents an insightful approach to prophecy, focusing on how to decode the symbolic language of the Bible and other prophetic traditions. The book walks readers through foundational topics, from understanding prophecy’s role in history...

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Murder in Elam

In the city of Elam, a mysterious killer strikes fear into the hearts of citizens, leaving a trail of brutal murders that escalate in horror. Captain Alaric and his team delve into the dark alleys of Elam, uncovering cryptic symbols,...

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War in Israel and Revelation

When Hamas attacked Israel, it occurred to the author that World War III had begun. Why? What does that mean in relationship to the Book of Revelation? Get your questions answered here.

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Jason and Faith

The preacher's daughter and the high school quarterback. She "hates" him! He sees her as another conquest. Can he win her over? What happens in his life to cause her to feel sympathetic toward him? Can she win him over?...

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Revelation: Where Are We?

Revelation: Where Are We? is the result of Schobl-Legee's husband asking, "But where are we?" while she was writing the second edition of "Revelation: What John Knew." If Revelation is, truly, a timeline from the beginning of time to the...

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Revelation: What John Knew

About the Book: From the time of John being exiled to the Isle of Patmos, he saw visions of heaven. He saw the Throne Room of God. He saw angels, cherubim, souls, nations (peoples), living beasts before the Throne. He...

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Murder in a Small Florida Town

This is a fictionalized account of an actual murder that took place in central Florida. The author went to school with the victim, worked briefly with her husband, and the author’s oldest son went to school, and played with her...

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God of Second Chances

In God of Second Chances, Prissy Legee tells a moving story of Leah and Adrian—two people who reconnect after years of separation, each carrying the weight of old regrets and unspoken words. Leah returns to Seattle, where memories of Adrian,...

Wanna know more?

Prophecy About Biden – Bye Bye, Biden

There is a prophecy in 2 Esdras, which is becoming better known and which predicts the forming of America and the end of its run of Presidents. The Presidents of Prophecy start with Herbert Hoover and run through the destruction...

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